Carolyn Miller
Biographical Note
Carolyn Miller is a freelance writer and editor living in San Francisco.
She has published three full-length books of poetry—Route 66 and Its Sorrows
(Terrapin Books, 2017); Light, Moving (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2009); and After Cocteau (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2002)—and four limited-edition letterpress chapbooks
(Protean Press). Her poems have been featured on Poetry Daily,
The Writer’s Almanac, and American Life in Poetry and have appeared in
The Gettysburg Review, The Southern Review, Prairie Schooner, and
The Georgia Review, among other journals, as well as in several anthologies,
including Garrison Keillor’s Good Poems: American Places. Her honors include
the James Boatwright III Prize for Poetry from Shenandoah and
the Rainmaker Award from Zone 3.